Parkgate Quarry

Proposed construction of a waste transfer and recycling facility for construction and demolition wastes and proposed landfill facility for inert construction and demolition wastes at Parkgate Quarry, Connor Road, Parkgate, County Antrim for Henry Brothers (Magherafelt) Limited (T/2005/0977/F and T/2005/1054/F)

At the second pre-hearing meeting, held on 12 December 2016, agreement was reached on the following points.

  1. The applicants will provide the Department for Infrastructure with additional environmental information on ecology, traffic, noise and vibration.  The compilation will be clearly indexed and consideration will be given to providing a consolidated environmental statement.  The target date for submission is 16th June 2017.
  2. On receipt of this new environmental information, the Department will carry out the statutory publicity and consultation procedures.
  3. When those procedures are completed, the Department will review its notice of opinion, which will be confirmed, modified or replaced with a new notice of opinion.  The applicants and the council will be notified.
  4. If, following the review, either the council or the applicant wants a hearing to discuss the notice of opinion, the Department will revert to the Commission and ask it to arrange same. 
  5. In the meantime, the Commission will take no further action in regard to these planning applications.