Curraghinalt Project (Dalradian).

This page will be a source of update for all applications associated with the Curraghinalt Project (Dalradian) as listed below. The links to the right-hand-side contain any relevant information associated with the individual applications.


Dalradian Gold Ltd LA10/2017/1249/F (PAC Ref: C005)

Dalradian Gold Ltd LA10/2019/1386/F - NIE Networks (PAC Ref: C006)

Dalradian Gold Ltd LA10/2019/1000/F - NIE Networks (PAC Ref: C007)

Dalradian Gold Ltd TrC 080/20_1 - DAERA (PAC Ref: 2021/WHR01)

Dalradian Gold Ltd TrC 081/20_1 - DAERA (PAC Ref: 2021/WHR02)

Dalradian Gold Ltd AIL 2024/0008 - DAERA (PAC Ref: 2024/WHR01)

Dalradian Gold Ltd AIL 2024/0009 - DAERA (PAC Ref: 2024/WHR02)

Dalradian Gold Ltd Road Abandonment Application (PAC Ref: DR001)


18th October 2024

The Commission has received correspondence from the applicant's representative dated 17th October 2024. This is available to be viewed here

16th October 2024

The Commission received correspondence from DFI, dated 15th October 2024. This, along with a further letter from the Commission to DFI are available to view here

11th October 2024

Due to the rescheduling of the original hearing dates for the Curraghinalt Project (Dalradian), the Commission has had to work with available dates for the newly scheduled hearing sessions. 

The Commission intends to sit on the following dates:

  • 13th - 17th, 20th – 22nd and 24th January 2025
  • 24th –  28th February 2025
  • 3rd, 4th, 18th, 20th, 25th and 26th March 2025

11th September 2024

The Commission has today issued revised arrangements for the conjoined public local inquiries for the Curraghinalt Project (Dalradian). This can be view here.  

10th September 2024

The Commission are now in receipt of a Direction, dated 5th September 2024, from NIEA in relation to applications AIL 2024/0008 and AIL 2024/0009. The Direction and associated documents can be viewed on our Consents for Water Discharge and Abstraction page here

The Commission also issued a letter to NIEA which can be viewed here.

2nd August 2024

NIEA sent further correspondence to the Commission on 1st August 2024. This, along with a letter of response from the Commission, are available to view here.

23rd July 2024

The Commission issued a letter to NIEA which can be viewed here.

17th July 2024

Recent correspondence between the Commission and DAERA can be viewed here

27th June 2024

Further correspondence was received from DAERA on 21st June 2024 which can be viewed here.

The commission have today issued a further response to DAERA which can be accessed here.

14th June 2024

The Commission received further correspondence from DAERA on 11th June 2024. This can be viewed here. The Commission's response can be viewed here.

11th June 2024

The Commission have issued a further letter to DAERA which can be viewed here.

3rd June 2024

The Commission received correspondence from the Committee for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs which can be viewed here.

Th Commission's response is available to view here.

14th May 2024

The Commission received correspondence from NIEA, dated 3rd May 2024. This, along with a further letter from the Commission to NIEA are available to view here

3rd May 2024

The Commissions have decided to suspend arrangements for the current conjoined inquiry timetable.

Full details are contained in the correspondence from the Commission to the referring authorities dated 2 May 2024 available here.

We will move to set directions and new dates for the submissions of statements of case, rebuttals and for the opening of the re-scheduled hearing sessions for all eight elements of the conjoined inquiry in due course.

Please continue to monitor the Curraghinalt Project (Dalradian) webpage on our site for updates.

Direction to the Commission from DAERA to hold Public Inquiry in relation to AIL 2024-0003 and AIL 2024-0004 here 

DAERA response to the Commission’s letter dated 25th April is available to view here

The response from the Chief Commissioner to DAERAs letter dated 2nd May 2024 here

2nd May 2024

The responses from the referring authorities (DfI Roads, DfI Planning and NIEA/DAERA) to the Commission's letter dated 25th April 2024 are available to view here.

The Commission have also issued a further letter to these authorities which can be viewed here.

25th April

DAERA's response to the Commission's letter, dated 18th April 2024, can be viewed here.

A further letter to DAERA from the Commission regarding the abstraction and impound licence applications was sent today and can be viewed here.

The Commission has also now issued correspondence to the other referring authorities which can be viewed here

The Commission advise that the public inquiries in relation to the abstraction and impound licence applications (AIL 2020/0105 and AIL 2020/0106) can no longer form part of the current conjoined public inquiry which is expected to open on 10th September 2024. Therefore, statements of case are no longer required in relation to them. Please continue to monitor our website for updates in respect of the wider inquiry.

24 April 2024

DAERA response to PAC Letter re Dalradian Discharge Consents, dated 18th April, can be viewed here. Any additional documentation has also been added to the 'Consents for Water Discharge and Abstraction for the Curraghinalt Project' page.

18th April 2024

The Commission has issued a letter to DAERA regarding Dalradian Discharge Consents. This letter can be viewed here.

The Commission issued a further letter to DAERA in relation to Abstraction. This letter can be viewed here.

15th April 2024

DAERA response to PAC Letter dated 11th April can be viewed here. Any additional documentation received has been add to the 'Consents for Water Discharge and Abstraction for the Curraghinalt Project' link on the right.

12th April 2024

The Commission have published lists of documents provided by the Department for Infrastructure for each of the applications and these are available via the links on the right-hand-side of the screen.

The documents provided by DAERA in response to the Action Points that came out of the Pre-Inquiry meeting are also available via those links, as are the documents DfI Roads agreed to supply at the same meeting.

11th April 2024

The Commission have issued a letter to DAERA following submission of documents related to the agreed Action Points from the Pre-Inquiry meeting on 20th March 2024. This letter can be viewed here.

25th March 2024

The Commission's 'Data protection and FOI Policy' and 'Privacy Notice' can be found in the Publications section of this website Publications \ Planning Appeals Commission (

22nd March 2024

The Commission have now published the Action Points from the Pre-Inquiry Meeting at Strule Arts Centre, Omagh on 20th March 2024. View here.

21st March 2024

The Commission has published an updated timetable for submission of evidence. View here.

19th March 2024

The Commission has published the Agenda for the Pre-Inquiry Meeting on Wednesday 20th March 2024.

15th March 2024

The Pre-Inquiry meeting commences at 10:30am on Wednesday 20th March 2024.  The Commission has a YouTube Channel to stream the Pre-Inquiry meeting live. Live stream here. 

Those wishing to view the sessions should go to our channel and select the video tab on this page.

On Desktop and Laptop devices you should be able to select "Upcoming live streams" however on Mobile or Tablet devices you may need to refresh this page once the hearing commences for the stream to appear.

The Commission would again encourage anyone who does not intend to speak at the meeting not to attend at the venue and to watch the live stream of the meeting remotely.


8th March 2024

The Commission has published an Attendance Advice Guide for the upcoming Pre-Inquiry Meeting on 20th March 2024 at Strule Arts Centre, Omagh. This can be viewed here.

9th February 2024

A pre-inquiry meeting will be held in the Strule Arts Centre at 10:30am on Wednesday, 20th March 2024 to outline arrangements to open the eight conjoined inquiries and deal with procedural matters.  There will be no discussion of the merits of the proposals at the meeting.  The meeting will be live streamed to facilitate those who wish to observe proceedings. Further details in respect of the pre-inquiry meeting can be found below:

Letter to interested parties


Procedures for Curraghinalt Project Public Inquiries (revised)