BCC Matters arising

During the course of the public hearing sessions matters may arise during discussion where the Commissioner may ask a participant to provide further information and/or documentation.  These ‘Matters arising’ will be collated and published on a weekly basis to the Commission’s website.

Only those asked to do so should send the requested information and/or documentation to BCC.LDP@pacni.gov.uk. Any evidence, information or commentary over and above that specified for each matter arising will not be passed to the Commissioners and will not be published on the website.


Matters arising schedule


Week 1 - Monday 16th - Friday 20th November 2020 - MA001(A-D) & MA002(A-B) - (PDF 558 KB)

Week 2 - Monday 23rd - Friday 27th November 2020 - N/A

14th January 2021 - Clarification email & additional documents from Belfast City Council - MA003(A-D) (546KB)

Week 3 - Monday 18th - Friday 22nd January 2021 - MA004 to MA006 (PDF 412KB)

Week 4 - Monday 25th - Friday 29th January 2021 -  N/A

Week 5 - Monday 1st - Friday 5th February 2021 - MA007 (PDF 525KB) 

Week 6 - Monday 8th - Friday 12th February 2021 - MA008 (PDF 431KB) 

19th February 2021 - Typographical errors and suggested minor modifications to Appendix A of the dPS - MA009 (PDF 65KB)

Week 7 - Monday 26th - Friday 30th January 2021 -  N/A

Week 8 - Monday 1st - Friday 5th January 2021 -  MA010 (PDF 404KB)


Matters arising documents

MA001.AConsultation Draft Belfast Open Spaces Strategy (BOSS) (PDF 3.5 MB) 
MA001.BStrategic Policy & Resources (SP&R) Report (PDF 287 KB) 
MA001.CProposed amendments /actions set out in the Appendix to the Strategic Policy & Resources Report. (PDF 242 KB)
MA001.DThe decision and note of decision under the powers of the Chief Executive. (PDF 210 KB)
MA002.ASelf-Assessment of Soundness - Appendix 11 (BCC reference SD004K). (PDF 1.2 MB)
MA002.BNIEA email response (regarding 5m policy). (PDF 151 KB)
MA003.AHGI methodology, prepared by Turley (PDF 622KB)
MA003.BCar Parking Strategy and Action Plan (PDF 2MB)
MA003.CDSD Developer Contributions for Affordable Housing in Northern Ireland - Three Dragons Report (PDF 1MB)
MA003.DBelfast City Centre Transport Framework 2017-2020 (PDF 3MB)
MA004Summary of Updated Population Data - January 2021 (PDF 554KB)
MA005Belfast Our Recovery - September 2020 (PDF 2.2MB)
MA006Living With Water In Belfast Consultation - Nov 2020 (PDF 8.4MB)
MA007Statutory reference to define ‘major development' (PDF 525KB)
MA008Minor changes arising from typographical errors in response to the Commissioner’s Question 28 - Conservation Areas (PDF 431KB)
MA009Typographical errors and suggested minor modifications to Appendix A of the dPS (PDF 65KB) 

Screenprint of the "Belfast Metropolitan Transport Study webpage taken from the DfI website (PDF137KB) (direct link below)


MA010.BBelfast Metropolitan Transport Plan, Transport Study, October 2020 (PDF 6.4MB)
MA010.CBelfast Metropolitan Transport Study, Modelling Report, DfI, May 2020 (PDF 3.4MB)